Sunday, August 21, 2016

Contoh Percakapan Expression Suggestions

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Ok seperti judul di atas langsung saja

1. I think
in the morning, Arya want to buy a motor cycle. then arya approach pande to listen a suggestion from her
arya : Hai pande,
Pande : Hai Arya,
Arya : pande, i want to buy motorcycle tomorrow. Should i buy ninja motor or supra motor?

Pande : i think, you should buy a ninja motor.
Arya : Why is that?
Pande : Because i want to borrow it, he he ....
Arya : it's good idea, but my money not enough. Do you have any recommendation?
Pande : Why don't you buy a bicycle?
Arya : Wow, it's very good idea
Pande : Yeah,
Arya : Can you accompany me to buy it?
Pande : Yes i can, Lets go
2. Lets
A   :   Have you gone to the art exhibition? It's held for two weeks.
  Apakah kamu sudah ke pameran kesenian? Pameran itu diadakan selama dua minggu.
B : Not yet. Have you?
  Belum. Bagaimana denganmu?
A : I haven't had the time to go there yet. Why don't we go there tomorrow?
  Aku belum punya waktu untuk pergi kesana. Bagaimana kalau kita kesana besok?
B : Well, since we don't have anything to do, why don't we go there now?
  Berhubung tidak ada yang kita kerjakan, mengapa kita tidak kesana saja sekarang?
A : That's a good idea. But we should have lunch first. I don't want to see the art exhibition on empty stomach.
  Itu ide bagus. Tapi kita harus makan siang terlebih dahulu, aku tidak mau melihat pameran kesenian dengan perut kosong.
B : That's right. What do you recommend?
  Benar sekali. Apa yang kamu rekomendasikan?
A : Let's eat at Lucy's cafe. I like the chicken roast and the fruit salad there.
  Ayo kita makan di kafe Lucy. Aku suka ayam panggang dan salad buah disana.
B : Well, come on then.
  Ayo kalau begitu.

3. Why Don’t We
A:Do You Have breakfast ?
B:No, and you?
A:same With you
B:Why don’t we breakfast together
A:It’s Good Idea
4. What About
A:Hey yow hats up bro?
B:How are your girl friend
A:I broke up with my girl friend
B:what about your life
A:I am happy to single
5. How About
A:I Hear You bought cow last week
B:Yes, it’s true
A:How About Your cow
B:my cow is really healty
A:you save yaur cow with good
6. I suggest that
A:don’t Throw fact to other people
B:I am not do it
A:I suggest that, if u be the people u throw your liar
B:oh I think I am wrong, iam so sorry
A:oh yes
7. You might want to change
A:hey, look this
B:What is that
A:oh my picture, why u broke my picture?
B:i think is fun
A:You might wank to change your respect to other people
B:oh I am so sorry
8. I don’t think
A:ok, our team, b you must enter from front of them, I think it is evective
B:I don’t think it is good strategi
B:because them in the front
A:so we must from behand, you say

Ok Semoga Bermanfaat
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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